Religious School
Beth Israel Religious School's mission is to develop and strengthen the Jewish identity of students in kindergarten through twelfth grade by building their knowledge, skills, and commitment to lead full Jewish lives. Our comprehensive curriculum includes study of Torah, holidays, Jewish lifecycle events, Israel, Jewish history and contemporary Jewish life, tefillah (prayer), mitzvot (commandments), ethics, values, Hebrew reading, and Hebrew conversation. Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam projects, family programs, and field trips are all included in the students' educational experience and emphasize the importance of being part of the synagogue and wider Jewish community. Our Bar and Bat Mitzvah and Madrichim (leadership) programs provide opportunities for students to continue their Jewish education through high school. Beth Israel Religious School is the educational arm of Beth Israel Congregation and is guided by the principles of The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Keywords: Religious School